Accessibility Plan for Campbell Company of Canada

This 2014 – 2021 accessibility plan outlines the policies and actions that Campbell Company of Canada has or will put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.

Statement of Commitment:

Campbell Company of Canada is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We also believe in integration, where possible, and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)S 2005, the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, Ontario Regulation 191/11.

In order to meet our obligations under the above legislation, Campbell Company of Canada formed an AODA committee in 2010 to facilitate the identification and removal of barriers to accessibility within our facility for our customers, visitors and employees. Sponsorship for this committee includes members of the Senior Leadership Team. The committee consists of individuals from a cross-section of departments within our organization. This includes:

  • Manager – Human Resources (Chair)
  • Vice-President – Human Resources (Alternate Chair)
  • Lead – Safety
  • Manager – Building Infrastructure
  • Brand Manager – Interactive Marketing
  • Community representatives as required

In addition to the members of the AODA committee, all managers and others who have input into development of policies or processes within the organization will build accessibility guidelines into any tasks/policies/projects that may have an impact on customers, employees and other third parties.

The following Integrated Accessibility Standards apply to our organization:

  • Accessible Customer Service Standard
  • Information and Communications Standard
  • Employment Standard
  • Design of Public Spaces Standard –
    (Accessible Built Environment Standard)

In order to implement accessibility into our policies, Campbell Company of Canada shall ensure that the following principles under the Accessibility Standards for Accessible Customer Service are consistent within all of our policies:

  • Dignity
  • Independence
  • Integration, expect when alternate measures are necessary to meet the needs of people with disabilities
  • Equal opportunity

Accessible Customer Service Standard – Ontario Regulation 429/07

This standard came into effect on 01 January 2012. In order to meet the requirements of this standard, Campbell Company of Canada completed the following:

  • Development of accessible customer service policies and procedures for our Company.
  • Training for all employees on the accessible customer service standard based upon their interaction with customers and third parties
  • Ongoing accessible customer service training upon hire to all new employees of the company
  • Establishment of a procedure to advise the public, third parties and customers of a disruption in services
  • Provision of a mechanism for customers and other third parties to provide feedback on our services
  • Provision of documents in accessible formats, in a timely manner upon request

In addition to implementing the Accessible Customer Service Standard, in order to meet our time line obligations under the Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation 191/11, Campbell Company of Canada has implemented the following requirements:


January 1, 2012
Individual workplace emergency responseCampbell Company of Canada has provided training to employees on this requirement under the Employment Standard as well as posted notice advising employees with disabilities who require assistance in an emergency situation to make their request known. COMPLETED

Multi-year Plan to Meet Requirements under the Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (O. Reg. 19/11)

i. General

January 1, 2014
Establishment of accessibility policies including a statement of commitment and make the documents publicly availableCampbell Company of Canada will develop, implement and maintain policies outlining how we will achieve our accessibility requirements and make these documents available to the public upon request. COMPLETED
Establish, implement, maintain, document and post a multi-year accessibility plan, update the plan and review every five yearsCampbell Company of Canada will develop, implement, maintain, document and post a multi-year accessibility plan that will outline the organization’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet our requirements under this Regulation. ONGOING

January 1, 2015
Training on the IASR and Human Rights CodeCampbell Company of Canada will develop, implement and record training on the IASR and Human Rights Code for all employees based upon their duties within the organization. We will also set up a process to ensure contractors and suppliers of goods and services receive the required training COMPLETED: All staff trained in IASR and Human Rights Code based upon duties within organization. Contractors and suppliers are required to provide training to their employees.


ii. Information and Communications

January 1, 2014
Accessible websites and web content: new websites and web content to WCAG 2.0 Level ACOMPLETED: Campbell Company of Canada’s current website and the web content conforms with WCAG 2.0 Level A guidelines.
January 1, 2015
Accessible feedback processCampbell Company of Canada will review current feedback processes to ensure that feedback is accessible, with accessible formats or communication supports available on request.

We will include opportunities for improvement in future customer service process revisions.

We will inform staff and customers about the available of accessible feedback processes. COMPLETED
January 1, 2016
Accessible formats and communication supportsCampbell Company of Canada will establish standards for providing accessible formats and communication supports, upon request.

Establish a process for staff to ensure compliance with accessible formats and communications supports standards.

Inform staff and customers about the availability of information in accessible formats and communication supports if requested. COMPLETED
January 1, 2021
Accessible websites and ALL web contact shall comply to WCAG 2.0 Level AACampbell Company of Canada will make sure that all websites and web content published after January 01, 2012 conform to the prescribed standards.

We will provide accessible formats upon request, for content published prior to January 1, 2012.


iii. Employment

January 1, 2016
Accessible employment practicesCampbell Company of Canada will develop, implement and review employment policies and processes to ensure the following are met:
  • Accommodation in the recruitment, assessment and selection process is available upon request.
  • Employee supports and accommodation plans are documented as per current practice.
  • Return to work processes and individual accommodation plans will be reviewed and are currently being utilized.
  • Accommodation is available in the performance management, career development and advancement and redeployment services for employees with disabilities.
  • Inform employees and the public about employment supports available for persons with disabilities. COMPLETED


iv. Built Environment – Design of Public Spaces

January 1, 2017
Accessible Public SpacesCampbell Company of Canada will ensure that the accessibility requirements of the Design of Public Spaces Standard are applied where applicable, to new or redevelopment projects.

Campbell Company of Canada has implemented Accessible parking space requirements under this Standard in our Visitor Parking area in 2013.

We will advise staff about the public spaces requirements under the Standard.

2015: Redesign of cafeteria undertaken to make it accessible for persons with disabilities. COMPLETED
Maintenance of accessible elements in public spacesCampbell Company of Canada will review and implement procedures for preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements required in the Design of Public Spaces Standard.

We will also review and update procedures for dealing with temporary disruptions when these accessible elements are not working or available.

January 1, 2016
Accessible Public SpacesCampbell Company of Canada moved to its newly renovated space at 2845 Matheson Blvd E, Mississauga, ON L5W 5J8 and has ensured that the accessibility requirements of the Design of Public Spaces Standard were applied where applicable to the project.

Campbell Company of Canada has continued with Accessible parking space requirements under this Standard in our Visitor Parking area in 2019.

We will advise staff about the public spaces requirements under the Standard – COMPLETED
Maintenance of accessible elements in public spacesCampbell Company of Canada will review and implement procedures for preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements required in the Design of Public Spaces Standard.

We will also review and update procedures for dealing with temporary disruptions when these accessible elements are not working or available.

As we progress to meeting our goal of total accessibility in 2025 the following will be taken into consideration:

All future renovations or redevelopment projects will include consideration for meeting accessibility guidelines through the AODA including a review in December of each year for future building capital expenditure budget planning


For More Information:

For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact the HR Manager at: Campbell Company of Canada
2845 Matheson Blvd E
Mississauga, ON L5W 5J8


Should you require any of the information on our website in an accessible format please contact us and we will work with you to meet your request.